Tuesday 15 May 2018

Life Changing Education

Education does matter the most in our life. The formal education (traditional mental education) is not enough to grow in every aspect of human life while the life changing education- a combination of mental, emotional, physical and spiritual education is the real education to grow in every aspect of human life.

 The difference between the values found in traditional education and the value found in life-changing education is the difference between the values placed on learning from our mistakes, verses punishing people for making mistakes, and placing value on the human spirit, a spirit powerful enough to overcome any lack of mental, emotional or physical talents.

  • The reason most people never find the wealthy person inside of them is because the poor person still thinks it’s bad to make mistakes.

Turning Caterpillars into butterflies”- The movie Top Gun, starring Tom Cruise, was about the very best of the caterpillars that the Navy Flight School turned into butterflies. When you are looking into an education plan seek out the successful people in the world, and then ask yourself if you want to learn from them.
Thomas Edison, Einstein, Bill Gates, Michael Dell, Steve Jobs, Henry Ford, Mahatma Gandhi, Tata’s, Birla’s, Ambani’s, Narayan Murthy, Ajiz Premji – made lot of mistakes but learnt from their own mistakes, many of them are dropouts from traditional education but became monster butterflies, forever changed the world of education.

  • So an education that is powerful enough to change a caterpillar into a butterfly (metamorphosis) is the life changing education.

Read on…………………..


A true life changing education, must affect all points of Learning:
-Mental, Emotional, Physical and Spiritual Education.

  • Mental Education

Traditional education focuses primarily on mental education. Skills such as reading, writing and arithmetic, all very important skills. These are all cognitive skills. But only mental education is not sufficient, one must learn the emotional, physical and spiritual aspects of life. 
  • Emotional Education

Traditional education preys on the emotion of fear, the fear of making mistakes which leads to the fear of failing. Instead of inspiring to learn, traditional education use the fear of failure to motivate students, saying such things as,” If you don’t get good marks(grades), you won’t get high paying jobs.”
The problem is, in the real world, the people who get ahead are the people who make the most mistakes and learn from them.
Making mistakes, how we are designed to learn. We learn to ride bicycle by falling off and getting back on again, falling off and getting back on. But, ”It is sin to make a mistake and not learn from it”. The reason so many people lie after making a mistake because they are emotionally terrified of admitting they made a mistakes, hence they waste an opportunity to learn and grow.

Making a mistake, admitting it without blaming on someone else, justifying or making excuses is how we learn. Making a mistake and not admitting, or blaming someone else for your mistakes, is a sin.
If an education encourages you to learn by making mistakes, correcting and getting smarter mentally as well as emotionally then it is a life changing education for you. You would probably never have learned to ride a bicycle if you were punished for falling off and given a failing grade in bicycle riding. 
  • Physical Education

Simply put, if you are afraid of making mistakes, you don’t learn much because you don’t do much. Most people think that learning is really a physical process as much as it is mental process. Reading and writing are physical processes, just as learning to play football is a physical process. If you have been conditioned to know all the right answers and not to make mistakes, the chances are your education process is hampered (wrong).
How can you progress if you know all the answers but are terrified of trying anything?
Traditional education encourages you to learn the facts and then emotionally teaches you to be afraid of making mistakes, which holds you back physically. Living in an environment of fear is not healthy-mentally, emotionally, physically or financially.
You cannot improve your future if you are not willing to try something new and risk making mistakes and learning from them.
If an education encourage you to go out and face your fears by taking action, making a mistakes, learning from the mistake, and growing mentally, emotionally and physically stronger then it is a life changing education. 
  • Spiritual Education

Good religious organizations (education) strengthen a person spiritually and bad religious organizations weaken a person spiritually. So a spiritual education may or may not include religious education.

Touching the Spirit-is about in going beyond human limitations” (power), that power propels us past our mental, emotional and physical limitations (human condition).

If an education has the ability to train you to speak to the human spirit, inspire you to move up… to go beyond your limitations,……........................to go beyond your doubts and fears then it is true Life-Changing-Education.

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