Sunday 22 April 2018

'How to win friends and influence people’ a self-help book...Time magazine’s 100 most influential books list (43.00% Off)

How to win friends and influence people

'How to win friends and influence people’ is a self-help book which is the pioneer of this genration. Written by Dale Carnegie and published in 1936, it has sold over 30 million copies. It has been edited and re-printed several times.
  • It was on the Time magazine’s 100 most influential books list in 2011. 
  • This book is a guide in improving a person's aura in the world. 
  • his book teaches you how to market yourself and generate more clients.
  • It is about changing how the world views and treats you by changing your own behavior. 
  • It increases your earning power by helping you use your potential to the fullest and it helps you to become a better public speaker and to be liked by mass audience.
  • You can become a person people trust and want to be associated with.
That means that if you change the kind of energy that you emit, what comes back to you is also different. This is one of the most influential business and communication skills guide.  This book has been acclaimed by many known figures around the world. This book tries to get you out of a mental hell and provides you with ambition and goals. It enables you to be friendlier and seem a positive person to others, it helps you become a popular person who is liked by the majority and in business terms, it enables you to win new clients. If you read the book carefully and follow majority of the tips, you can learn to be friendlier and more presentable as a person. You can become a person who emits the positivity that is inside the heart. You can become a person people trust and want to be associated with. As long as you have good friends and good business associations, you will probably stay strong in personal as well as professional life. Buy this self-help book at now

About the Author

Dale Carnegie was a lecturer of public speaking at YMCA New York. He had also served U.S. army during World War 1. He started his career by giving lectures on personality development and public speaking. He became a sought after teacher and later, writer later on in his life. He published his first book in 1936 and authored more self-help books renowned around the world. Some of his other works include 'How to Stop Worrying and Start Living’ and 'Lincoln the Unknown’

5 March 2018
Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase

Hats off to "Dale carnegie" for writing this wonderful book and now lets discuss about this unbeatable book..!

At some point of our life all of us have difficulties to deal with peoples even to our loved ones or to our best 
friends and this book will helps us to create and maintain healthy relathioships.

Communication is the key to create and maintain relationships.And this book is mainly focusing to improve our

communication range and thereby making better relationships..!

The sucess of a businessman or an indivudal depends upon his ability to interact with others and this book 

certainly helps you to achieve it.!

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